
Raycast is also a popular option right now.

Now, it is time for Alfred - an alternative for Spotlight.

Use Spotlight Keyboard Shortcut for Alfred

when installing Alfred, the first thing I do is disabling the default shortcut for Spotlight and use it for Alfred.

To do that, open System Preference -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts. Click on “Spotlight” and disable “Show Spotlight search”.

Open the Alfred settings and use the freed up ⌘ Space combination to launch Alfred.

Clipboard History

Copy and pasting is something developers do everyday. Alfred ships with a clipboard manager which supports copied text, images and files.

The only thing I do is remapping the shortcut to ⌘ . to the Clipboard History.


I do not have many workflows installed. One of my installed workflows is YoudaoTranslator, which provides translation service.

Follow the official guide to enable “YoudaoTranslator”.